Hahn Electrical Site Map

Site Name:

Hahn Electrical Services Inc.

Purpose Statement:

Provide residential or commercial electrical services to any in need in Iron County, Utah.

Target Audience:

Male, home owner, age 18+
Female, home owner, age 18+
Property Manager, Male or Female age 16+
Residential or Commercial Contractor, Male or Female, age 18+
Business Owner, Male or Female, Age 18+

Female and Male Personas:

GrandmaShirley Sanders is 78. She has lived in the same home her husband built her 50 years ago. Shirley has kept well care of her home. Her husband took care of all the maintenance of their home. She doesn’t know how to troubleshoot problems that occur. She wants to feel safe and have things in her home work when she needs them. She has a problem with one of her electrical outlets. She wants to cook toast and warm up her coffee at the same time but her outlet keeps tripping. She wants it fixed so she can continue to do the things she needs and not worry about it tripping anymore.

ContractorDaryl Johnson is 38. He is a General Contractor. He builds several homes a year. He is very organized and clean. He likes his jobs ran the same way, organized and clean. He provides quality homes in a timely manner. He has to have a licensed and certified electrical contractor to wire his homes. He wants an electrician to come when he is needed. Finish the work on time to keep his schedule running on time. Be clean and professional when he meets with home owners. He also needs a subcontractor to keep his job site clean.

Scenario List:

  • Shirley would like to know... Can you fix existing electrical wiring in a residential home?
  • Daryl would like to know... Are you a licensed and certified electrician to wire a new home?
  • Jamie would like to know if she can update existing audio in her home to more up to date technology?
  • James would like to know if he can get a generator hooked up to his home.
  • Elite would like to know if we can retrofit street lights outside a business?
  • City Offices would like to know if they can get plugs for a city park.
  • Sandy would like to know if we can retrofit an existing business site for a new business
  • Sam would like to know if we can help him install a fan?
  • Cory would like to know if we can help him with a plug that isn’t working
  • John would like to know if we repair big equipment motor controls or hook

Content List:

  • residential retrofitting
  • home audio systems, install and product
  • home backup generator purchasing and install
  • Outside industrial lighting, retrofit and new install
  • Commercial electrical retrofitting
  • New commercial and residential electrical design
  • equipment motor control and hook up

Site Map:

Site Map

I will have an image on each page. The video will be of the home audio.

Style Guide:

Color Scheme

Color Scheme




Computer Layout:


Phone Layout:

Phone Website